Celotni članek je na voljo le naročnikom.
Torek, 5. Junij 2012 ob 08:34
Sorodne vsebine
Komentarji (44)
Dec 04, 2012
naj postane enotno geslo protestnikov, šele tako prepoznavne nas bodo opazili v svetu,
torej to geslo na letake in transparante, naj svet prepozna vzroke izropane dežele,
Dec 04, 2012
Slovenci smo po zaslugi ameriških in evropskih kolonizatorjev podeljeni le na OKRADENE in tiste kateri so nas POKRADLI.
Evro-CIA-ška mafija bo tako hvalila še naprej le svoje agente, morajo pa biti KOMPROMITIRANI, sicer s takšnimi, kateri niso pokradli nič - sploh ne morejo DOMINIRATI.
Pahorja je volilo manj kot 20 % volilnih upravičencev, kar je popolna sramota, da so takšne volitve sploh legitimne.
Le kako lahko izrekajo takšni volilni "zgagi" pohvale.
Torej Rode in Mussomeli, če bi bila tako 2 predsednika hkrati, bi lahko prejela le 35% zmago slovenskih volilcev in še to provokatorjev in verjetno plačancev SDS-a in SLS-ja.
Prej bi lahko rekli Mussolini system, ...
.. če pa so vas CIA-še in cervenike - RDEČKARJI NATEGNILI s svojimi obljubami, tako kot ves slovenski narod, prav vam bodi, saj ste vedno le na strani KRIVICE, to ste vsekakor dokazali...
Boris Valenčič, 1. slovenski Kralj - monarh.si
Sep 28, 2012
Ha, ha včeraj ko sem šla skozi Maxija sem si mislila, da boš vernjteo omenila tsta fensišmensi drevesca!!! Pri nas doma imamo tako drvesce vsako leto pobarvan ruj (zlato, srebrno ali pa belo) in gor se druži druščina iz Noetovega trajekta . Eno tako tradicijo sem začela pred kar nekaj leti, da se vsake praznike kupi kako posebno nakinđureno žvalco (kjer koli sem že) in tako jih sedaj tudi dobivam. One drugače med letom domujejo v raznih hišnih kotih, na držalih, ogledalih;-)Bunkic imamo samo še par perlastih samo še za omilit živalski vrt, lučke pa niso niti potrebne.
Sep 28, 2012
Ja, po drugi strani pa ne gremo zdele gldaet, kakšna svinjarija je ostala od včeraj :S in vse to bo treba spucatPa vrjetn nam bodo še dve soboti dal, ker bomo imel drugače premalo ur
Sep 28, 2012
hehehe, z dodatkom plcokriie gnoja :Dsicer se pa strinjam s tistim velik del problema je tudi na strani kupcev, ki si prevečkrat želijo preveč za njihovo znanje potem pa pride do neizkoriščanja opreme, ampak to je že druga debata kul drugače.heretic
Sep 28, 2012
3. maj Hej tam sem tako srečna sem našel vašo spletno stran, res vam nadjjeo napake, ko sem iskal na Googlu za nekaj drugega, Kakorkoli jaz sem tukaj, zdaj in bi samo rad povedal sloves za neverjetno mesto in vse krog zabaven blog (Tudi jaz imam temo / oblikovanje), nimam časa za brskanje je vse v trenutku, vendar imam bookmarked je in tudi svoje vire RSS, tako da, ko imam čas, bom nazaj, da se glasi veliko več, Prosimo, da bo nadaljevala super službo.
Sep 27, 2012
5BsVSI , [url=http://wzottpxpdznq.com/]wzottpxpdznq[/url], [link=http://nbbsnelegmte.com/]nbbsnelegmte[/link], http://cgavwtgwqwyn.com/
Sep 26, 2012
> ..is there some fundamental ecionmoc problem in centrally planning a national energy program?Surely, Congress can consult the energy-experts for the right decisions... even if individual congressmen lack the proper technical expertise.Theoretically, this might be somewhat possible.Two problems arise:1) The experts can be wrong, and often are. The market is far more flexible and ready to change course when an error has been made and is discovered. Bureaucrats have a vested interest in keeping to the same course, hence resist corrective action with extreme force.2) They aren't going to the experts, they're getting advice from the Greens. Since the Greens are uniformly either (a) ignorant fools, or (b) lying charlatans (self-serving and otherwise), this is not a place to get even vaguely valid advice.The obvious example I can identify is that there will be a massive emphasis on developing solar power. It is easy to demonstrate that even with a PERFECT solar cell, you'd still need to cover an area around that of the STATE OF DELAWARE to meet US power needs. Whatever percentage you want to replace is a percentage of that. The cost of such a replacement at half current prices would be on the order of 4.5 TRILLION dollars, and that ignores both the massive amounts of toxic waste produced in the creation of them and also in the issues of disposal -- since cells are only good for 5-10 years, you are also talking about a far shorter amortization period than you have with conventional plants, in addition to those disposal issues... EVERY 5-10 YEARS.But Obama advocates replacing coal with solar, etc. Does that sound like good policy to you?
Sep 26, 2012
Yeh tell me about those self righteous folks and all their talk about warm milk and yoga I acatully have a real nice Ambien poem already written, but it makes me sound like a pill junkie. I am also a big fan!Thanks for writting a poem to me how much fun is THAT! Objame : )
Sep 26, 2012
6zlAIa klsbctxcrnbb
Sep 26, 2012
Short, sweet, to the point, FREE-exactly as informtaoin should be!
Sep 26, 2012
ciao Armandose domani non mi tiarno troppo il collo credo che ci sarf2 anch'io a fare un giro su per Tenna. Ma piuttosto, potresti venire anche tu domani mattina, che e8 un pezzo che non ti vediamo con la corsa Franco
Sep 26, 2012
Nice interview. It's good to hear that Briefcase Romanin will be aaablvile also for PC. I mean, we all know that PC was always (and still is) the best platform for adventure games, right? By the way, I love the whole concept of mini (or Dev Intro ) interviews, focusing on the most interesting questions, free of unnecessary and boring details. Good work, Ascovel.[]
Sep 26, 2012
I feel your pain,you know I do.Most of the worlddoesn't have a clue. What it's liginekht after nightto yearn for slumbereyes wide and bright. Insomnia at nightand work all day.Bleary eyed and grouchyWhat can I say.Pills aren't the answerthe self righteous say.As they give you advicethen go hit the hay.So give me an Ambienand tell me goodnight.and I'll sleep like a babytill tomorrows first light. God Bless-JimJim Travis je pred kratkim objavil..
Sep 25, 2012
You're the one with the brians here. I'm watching for your posts.